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Discover Terra San Francisco: Terra Marin's sister school is now open in the Richmond District of SF. We are currently accepting rolling applications for Spring 2024 Mandarin or Spanish Immersion Preschool AND fall 2024 applications for Pre-K - 8th grade.

Join one of our information sessions, tours or open houses to learn more about the program.

Submit your application online to

Terra San Francisco



The Terra Schools, a progressive program that combines paths to fluency in Spanish, Mandarin and English, a fully integrated social-emotional curriculum, and experiential outdoor learning are excited to announce their expansion to a new location in San Francisco. 


Classes for Mandarin Immersion Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten begin in the fall of 2023. 


Terra San Francisco will feature a blend of program offerings unique to private schools in San Francisco, including: 


Collegiate-track academics

Our classrooms feature quality teachers, small student-teacher ratios (5:1 in Pre-K through TK; then 8:1 in K-8), and a heavy emphasis on project-based and student-centered learning. Our students devise projects based on their curiosities and lead class discussions that facilitate application of learning to their own lives.

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Language immersion then infusion

We offer early immersion in Mandarin or Spanish, followed by language infusion in later years. Our students graduate bilingual or even trilingual.

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Nature-based education

Our pioneering Earth Education program gives students the opportunity to learn from the world’s greatest teacher: nature. During weekly outdoor excursions, they explore their environment with a highly trained Earth Ed specialist, developing leadership and social-emotional skills through lesson plans that emphasize unstructured discovery, versatility and good stewardship.


Our mission​

Spark wonder and curiosity in every child

For our students:

  1. We believe that all children have gifts and it is our mission to help them discover these gifts.

  2. We believe it is in wonder, inquiry and discovery that the magic happens.

  3. We believe the learning process is more important than the end result.

  4. We believe that when children are heard and valued they become leaders and self-advocates.

  5. We believe that children have a right to feel safe and to be accepted for who they are without judgment.

  6. We believe that emotional and social IQ is just as important to success as academic achievement. 

  7. We believe that questions are more important than answers.


For our community:

  1. We believe a community is a place of emotional safety.

  2. We believe a strong school community is a place where everyone belongs and feels seen for who they are.

  3. We believe with an emotionally safe and strong community, anything can be achieved.

  4. We believe in partnering with families to raise children well. 

  5. We believe that investing in teachers will create a rich learning environment.


Where we're located

where we are

3801 Balboa St, San Francisco, CA 94121 in the Richmond District of SF.

Application deadlines

Applications now being accepted:

  • Rolling admissions for Mandarin or Spanish Immersion Preschool (Spring 2024)

  • Pre K - 8th grade applications now open for fall 2024.


Why Terra San Francisco

Research shows that early language immersion, nature-based education, and integrated social emotional learning are the best ways to help children grow into their full potential. Dig deeper into the research here


Early language immersion works

Research shows that learning a second or third language before ages 6-7 results in higher likelihood of native proficiency in a second language by adulthood, compared to starting at ages 7-12. And it takes 2-7 years to become fully fluent in a second language, through a language immersion program regardless of a child’s prior language exposure.

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Nature-based education helps students reach their full potential

Studies have proven that it helps children have lower stress, better cognitive functioning, and improved social skills. 


Social emotional learning is foundational for success

Science has proven that having a social emotional learning curriculum starting from a young age leads to improved emotional intelligence, increased positive attitudes toward self & others, and greater success later in life.

What people are saying

“I have two daughters who have been fortunate to progress through the entire Terra Mandarin PK and TK curriculum. I couldn't dream up a better foundation for their academic, social and emotional lives. They have grown so much through immersion in Mandarin language and culture, as well as nature immersion. The teachers are highly educated, and thoroughly trained and supported. They are also some of the kindest and most giving people I have met. The depth and richness of the program is far beyond anything I have encountered elsewhere.” ~Mom of recent Terra Mandarin Preschool & TK graduates 


“Together, we have created The Terra Schools, and together we will continue to build a school where our individual dreams and goals can come to life.” ~Shauna Sullivan, Assistant Head of School

See our reviews on: Niche, Yelp

Join one of our weekly 45-minutes virtual information sessions

Experience language immersion and nature-based education during an outdoor playdate.

Submit your application online to Terra San Francisco if your child will be 4.5 by Sept 1st.

The Terra Schools

(415) 906-2220,

©2022 por Terra Marin School PK-8th Grade

70 Lomita Drive, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Poliza de privacidad | Mapa del sitio
(415) 906-2220,
NIE 83-0697383
AVISO DE POLÍTICA NO DISCRIMINATORIA: Terra Marin  PK-8th grade admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades generalmente otorgados o puestos a disposición de los estudiantes en la escuela. Terra Marin no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión, programas de becas y préstamos, y programas deportivos y otros programas administrados por la escuela.
POLIZA DE PRIVACIDAD:  Terra Marin PK-8th grade no venderá ni alquilará su información de identificación personal a nadie por ningún motivo. Podemos recopilar direcciones IP y registrar la versión de su navegador. Esta información se utiliza únicamente para mejorar el diseño de nuestro sitio web y protegerlo contra ataques maliciosos. Su información no será compartida con ningún tercero. 

Terra Mandarin Preschool

529 Browning St., Mill Valley, CA 94941

Terra Schools admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national and ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in administration of its Adjusted Tuition, athletic, or school-administered programs.

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