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OUR Mission

The Terra Schools educate, nurture, and inspire students of diverse backgrounds to achieve their highest academic and creative potential, to embrace ethical values, and to become active contributors to their communities.



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What We Believe

For our students:


  1. We believe that all children have gifts and it is our mission to help them discover these gifts.

  2. We believe it is in wonder, inquiry and discovery that the magic happens.

  3. We believe the learning process is more important than the end result.

  4. We believe that when children are heard and valued they become leaders and self-advocates.

  5. We believe that children have a right to feel safe and to be accepted for who they are without judgment.

  6. We believe that emotional and social IQ is just as important to success as academic achievement. 

  7. We believe that questions are more important than answers.

For our community


  1. We believe a community is a place of emotional safety.

  2. We believe a strong school community is a place where everyone belongs and feels seen for who they are.

  3. We believe with an emotionally safe and strong community, anything can be achieved.

  4. We believe in partnering with families to raise children well. 

  5. We believe that investing in teachers will create a rich learning environment.

The Terra Schools

(415) 906-2220,

©2022 por Terra Marin School PK-8th Grade

70 Lomita Drive, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Poliza de privacidad | Mapa del sitio
(415) 906-2220,
NIE 83-0697383
AVISO DE POLÍTICA NO DISCRIMINATORIA: Terra Marin  PK-8th grade admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico a todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades generalmente otorgados o puestos a disposición de los estudiantes en la escuela. Terra Marin no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión, programas de becas y préstamos, y programas deportivos y otros programas administrados por la escuela.
POLIZA DE PRIVACIDAD:  Terra Marin PK-8th grade no venderá ni alquilará su información de identificación personal a nadie por ningún motivo. Podemos recopilar direcciones IP y registrar la versión de su navegador. Esta información se utiliza únicamente para mejorar el diseño de nuestro sitio web y protegerlo contra ataques maliciosos. Su información no será compartida con ningún tercero. 

Terra Mandarin Preschool

529 Browning St., Mill Valley, CA 94941

Terra Schools admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national and ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in administration of its Adjusted Tuition, athletic, or school-administered programs.

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