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Learning Night Out: The 7 Benefits of Language Immersion

jue, 10 nov


Terra Marin School

Do you speak a second language? Do you want to pass on that gift to your child? Want to learn about the benefits of language immersion in a child's early years? Join us for a presentation to learn more!

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Learning Night Out: The 7 Benefits of Language Immersion
Learning Night Out: The 7 Benefits of Language Immersion

Horario y ubicación

10 nov 2022, 19:00 – 11 nov 2022, 21:00

Terra Marin School, 70 Lomita Dr, Mill Valley, CA 94941, USA

Acerca del evento

Do you speak a second language? Do you want to pass on that gift to your child? Want to learn about the benefits of language immersion in a child's early years? Join us for a presentation to learn more!  Wendy Xa, Terra Marin School's Head of School and founder of the award-winning Presidio-Knolls School in San Francisco, uses her background in neuroscience to explain the benefits of language immersion. 


  • Learnign Night Out

    15,00 US$
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The Terra Schools

(415) 906-2220,

©2022 por Terra Marin School PK-8th Grade

70 Lomita Drive, Mill Valley, CA 94941
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(415) 906-2220,
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Terra Mandarin Preschool

529 Browning St., Mill Valley, CA 94941

Terra Schools admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national and ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in administration of its Adjusted Tuition, athletic, or school-administered programs.

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